In today's financial climate the majority of non home owners do not have the credit score to qualify to purchase a new home. Many are close and just need to learn a few minor ideas to improve their credit profile. Many more need major work to become credit qualified. There is a common misconception that if you just pay your bills on time you will have a good credit score. The reality is that how you pay your bills only account for about 35% of your credit score. When you turn that around 65% of your credit score has nothing to do with how you pay your bills.
But lets assume the potential customer pays on time and all other factors line up so a customer should have an acceptable credit score. Recent Studies have shown that 4 out of 5 Americans have erroneous information on their credit reports. This means that the majority of your potential clients could have information on their reports to stop them from purchasing the home they otherwise can afford and would qualify for.
Let's stop there and pick it back up in a couple weeks. Yup, that's what we call a teaser ;)
Read about ways to sell homes faster and for more money at www.HomesInTransition.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8515751
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