Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Water Management Solutions

Water Management Solutions is the exclusive distributer of the entire line of innovative and patented Wellmanager™ and ConstaBoost™ “appliances” that can solve a variety of water issues.  From poor water wells or under-performing community water systems, to odor removal, storage issues, low pressure and low volume, WMS can provide a solution that is cost effective and proven.  These systems have enormous versatility, guaranteed results and fit in almost any existing well house, pump room or even an existing closet!  Until now, the options were pretty much limited to drilling a new well, adding a massive storage tank or living with the problem!

Wellmanager™ systems have helped a number of local owners take very low yielding wells and created a system that delivers ample water for their family’s needs WITHOUT drilling a new well!  ConstaBoost™ systems have given others who have bought into expensive, yet low pressure community water systems, go from unacceptable pressure and volume to city water system performance.  WMS can help you get deals get done where water has become an issue.

The new WMS website will be launching soon with a lot of great content and solutions.  But until then, If you have a deal that is in trouble because of water issues or solve a problem before you get to the inspection phase, WMS has a solution on the shelf or they can custom design a solution for your needs.  Please visit the WMS Facebook page and “like” it for future updates and an invitation to the new website once it gets completed.

If you have a need or just a question you can reach the WMS office at 505.750.9500 or you can call Tom Schmidt at 505.750.9500 or 505.238.0700.  

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